Instinctive Racism

Some of the things that leftist haters have labeled me as are a racist, a misogenist, a sexist, a colonizer, and with white privilege. In a recent article on how bad our inner city schools are I learned that our poor grammar school kids are not very proficient in math or reading, but are highly proficient in Black Lives Matter. Testing at ten percent proficiency in reading and math, but ninety percent on social issues like B L M. I guess if you are a black kid growing up with that kind of brain washing why would you be interested in learning how to read and do arithmetic? Nonetheless an agent of the Chicago Teachers Union rabidly proclaimed that my racist, misogenistic, sexist attitude is why these kids have a problem. If I were to send the CTU more money things would get better, that is, for the teacher’s pension fund and hospitalization payments, but I’m afraid the kids would still not be able to read or do simple math. Chicago and most big cities across the country already spend considerably more to keep a student in school than is spent in the surrounding white, and mixed-race suburbs.

The one term I have not heard used is one I am coining in this sentence, instinctive racism. All of us are born with instinct to control our most natural functions like breathing, eating, procreating, and a hatred for those unlike us. It doesn’t matter if you are white hating black, or black hating white it is programmed into our brains at the time of conception.

I used to think that racial hatred was taught, but my parents did not teach us to dislike blacks, unless it was subliminal. They migrated here from a european country where they never saw a black face. They socialized with people from the same country as much as they could. It is easier to socialize with someone who speaks your language. Mom and Dad sent us to a parochial school, where the good nuns never ever spoke of racial difference. How could they? Jesus never taught any racial differences. Looking at the bible stories they are loaded with the divisions between peoples from various parts of the world, but never in any teachings related to color. So how then did I get indoctrinated in racism? My conclusion is the press did it. The only outside influence that could have taught me to hate blacks were the newspaper stories, and pictures of the day. It was in the sixties when I really began to watch and read the news. Those were the years when the black’s were on the move to change their plight in the world. It was a steady stream of information all proclaiming the problems blacks had with whites and vice versa. I learned that blacks were to be hated by my classmates in high school. Even though the teachers in school never taught racism, my class mates came from families where racism prevailed. Where did they get it? Where did they learn racism? From their parents of course, and where did the parents learn racism? from their co-workers and neighbors. Or, they never learned it. Maybe their racism was wakened from within. Their instinct kicked in and directed them to not like these strange people who were so different. Add to the instinct the outside influences of others whose instinct also kicked in and the problem is large. Since there are easily five times as many whites as there are blacks in America, instinctive racism was a force not to be reckoned with.

Slavery was also a vector to racism. Just where did the slave trader get the idea that blacks from primitive countries in Africa were sub-human? Most likely the whites were too ignorant to have original thoughts that would head them in this direction, but most likely it was their instinct that drove them to think that way.

Yes, slavery begat the foundation of racist thought. If the slave owners were all christian people who loved their neighbors they wouldn’t have entertained the idea of black people as sub-human who were put on this earth to be traded as animals and sub-humans. Except that it was a practical idea to supply labor to help plantation owners make money. What better way than to buy a few sub-humans to do the work? The sub-human thing is what changed the thinking of human beings to subjugate others into their service. If the owners had considered the blacks as equals, they couldn’t have bought and sold them at will. But, if the buyer’s instincts were instructing him that blacks were a lower class of human animal it would make sense.

Psychologists like to believe that basic instincts can be changed over time. What will have to happen to make the Chicago Teacher’s Union be a lovable group is to enact policies and direct energy into the white community to make the change in white minds to move away from instinctive racism. It is my opinion that changing instinctive racist drives is possible but not in less than ten generations after such policies have been enacted, but only if both races try equally hard to change.

Here is what I would like to see happen: 1. Teacher’s Unions across the country stop pushing for more money to teach. On the other side, 2. I would like politicians to stop using the blacks as a pawn to justify their means to rule us. Maybe ten generations is too fast to make this happen. Then again if both sides coordinated their efforts a synergistic movement may take place and change could be effected in one generation.