Be Prepared

Fifteen year old Alex Halprin throws a tizzy fit about going to visit his uncle in Illinois. He and his mother quarrel often, and this time his mother gives in. His parents and young sister leave for the weekend to drive the hundred and forty miles to Warren, Illinois near Galena. Alex looks forward to a lazy weekend of video games. He settles into his room when a loud crashing noise and a sudden shock to the house causes it to collapse around him and catches fire.

Alex’s life changed dramatically because a volcano explodes in Yellowstone Park some thousand miles to the west and destroys his town of Cedar Rapids, Iowa, and everything in between. This scenario plays out in the book titled “Ashfall” by Mike Mullen. I mentioned it in my post “He Scared The Crap Out Of Me.” The whole scenario of what happens when a super volcano like the one lurking below Lake Yellowstone in Yellowstone Park explodes, fascinates me so I downloaded the book to my Kindle and couldn’t stop reading.


Yellowstone diagram



If ever there is a case for keeping the Second Amendment alive and well along with our private firearms this is the reason. When the country, literally the entire country, is under emergency management, we will need our guns and ammo to protect ourselves from our neighbors, looters, and the government.  Picture the moment when all power is out, two feet of ash covers the landscape and prevents all forms of transportation from happening, there is no communication of any kind, daylight turns into darkness for weeks, and survivors are looking for food, water, and shelter.  Mike Mullins paints a fairly bleak picture about how society will react. Small towns will fare better, as will enterprising self-sufficient farmers. Big city folks are in trouble. In the story, Alex and his friend Darla finally come upon a FEMA camp and think they are safe, wrong. The camp is nothing more than a guarded fenced area with meager rations, nonexistent sleeping quarters, primitive pit toilets inhabited by thousands of starving people.

Mullins convinced me that I should prepare for the worst and stock emergency provisions for my family. Oh yeah, I have to buy a gun and plenty of ammunition too.

3 Responses

  1. Like a boy scout, BE PREPARED. You just never know.

    • In God We Trust

      • Amen and Amen.

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