Ro-bama, Made in China, Leased to Soros

The idea came in a dream, Obama is really an android which is why no one is able to vet him. Who believes the press cannot do the job?  They tell us down to the second when a famous figure cheats on a spouse, where it happened, and how many times. Certainly they can do better and vet a Democratic presidential candidate.

In the dream, I saw a technician working on circuitry inside the android head. Feverishly he pulled and replaced low capacity flash cards, replacing them with fully programmed double capacity cards. The droid now has a capacity of 2KB memory filled with the stuff of campaign promises and negative attacks on his opponent.

Once the circuits activate, the droid has unique capabilities to move his head from right to left and back again in endless cycles as it speaks the canned message. There are multiple droids all with duplicate bodies, but with different programming, one is for Commander-in-Chief, another for visits from foreign leaders. The most demanding models play basketball, golf, and splash in the ocean off the coast of Hawaii. The “tax and spend” version works almost as often as the three sports models.

The Republican Congress is most often frustrated by the angry “bring me a bill to sign,” and the often used  “don’t bring me your tired old ideas that don’t work” models.

The designers have installed several eproms into the circuit with the progressive ideas of Teddy Roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson, and FDR. A more recent change added circuits to activate the droid’s emotional feelings of love for Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Barney Frank, Chuck Schumer, Dickie Durbin, Barbara Boxer, Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, Reverend Wright, Bill Ayres, Bernadine Dorn, and Occupy Wall Street.

One of the droid’s most unique features is the program that gives it the ability to say something, and to do the exact opposite. The characteristics and programming have one serious drawback, i.e. input from its partner. Designers, programmers, technicians, are all in a quandary about why the droid reacts so differently when it is near its female companion.

Rumors abound that the droids come from a secret Chinese factory who leases them to George Soros. The CIA is gathering intelligence to find the truth. At this writing, Republican drones traverse China searching for the manufacturing site. It is their intention to buy the factory and design a Conservative counter-droid that out performs Ro-bama.

2 Responses

  1. Too bad he doesn’t look more like Data on Star Trek!

    • I had to Google Data to know what you were speaking of. He was on the new Star Trek which I didn’t watch.

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