Why Do You Like Obama So Much?

I can’t express this theme often enough or hard enough, but taxes are evil in the disguise of moral platitude. I began this new president’s term by giving him the benefit of the doubt. I told myself, that as a Christian, I must love my fellow-man.  As Obama began to expose himself, I saw the evil in his soul. My early posts as a blogger warned about how I saw him as a socialist, and worse yet, a communist. His slick rhetoric hypnotises the masses with words that roll off his tongue in lyrical melody. The rythmic motion of his head from side to side lulls one into deeper mesmirism.  Several times, during his speech at the Nobel Ceremony, I wanted to jump up and shout, “AMEN.”

You bought it, and elected him president. Now, we are all faced with the prospect of re-building America back into a great nation. He has, in twelve very short months, undermined the Constitution  upon which the USA achieved greatness.  The bottom line is that in twelve months I have grown to despise the man.

 I know you all love him, but I don’t understand why. Is it  because he is so clean as a family man? So was Tiger Woods.  Or is it because he loves his daughters, and his wife?  He appears to  be a good father too. Well, so am I, and so is nearly every dad I have known in my life.  Being a good father should be the norm, not the reason for adulation. The only difference is that this guy is black, and I don’t see too many good black fathers in the news to teach us their values. I know they exist, but what I see most  are welfare kids who don’t know who their fathers are.  Call me a racist, but that perception is what most Americans have about blacks, and that is why they like Obama so much.  

Obama’s drive to redistribute our wealth  is placing taxes on everything. He is controlling wages, he wants to control the air you breath, the kind of car you drive, and the  doctor who takes care of you.  He is giving the infamous ACORN  responsibility for over-seeing  banks. What?  Where did that come from? Barney Frank snuck that little nugget  in under the radar of  health-care reform, and cap and trade. So all of you kids going for degrees in Finance can kiss your dreams of becoming an overpaid banker goodbye. How about the “Boob-Tax” for all the girls out there who want breast enhancements? What he left out is a “Booby-Tax” for all the people who voted for him. He missed his opportunity on that one. He should have done it while the “hopium” hypnosis was still in effect.

The U.S.A., land of opportunity for the people of the world, is seen by Obama as a colony of ants working their asses off to please the whims of the queen.  He is dividing us into two societies: welfare, and tax-enslaved. It is his way of repaying the black half of his race for slavery, and the white half  for enslaving his black half.

This president’s hatred for white people is so vitriolic that he will not stop until the “chains we can believe in,” are manacled around our necks.

As a Christian man, I can not stand by and allow that stupidity to further itself, nor should you.

2 Responses

  1. I agree with you completely. Obama is a Muslim Communist and the Mass News Media cannot say enough good things about him. Being licensed by the government, they are being told what to say or print. The American people have become “sheeple”. May God have mercy on this once great nation.

  2. I found your website in a search, but wow…I agree. I love the comic too. And yeah, sometimes the truth is hard to swallow. People were fed a lie and they swallowed it not caring what the effects were. I too wonder why people like him so much. My own sister will assassinate me if I say anything about Obama. She even told me she’d kill me after an argument once. It is so sad that so many people are willing to give up any sort of morals or values just because the guy is black. I got called a racist too when I opposed his little video played in schools. Whatever. People don’t like it when you say things about people they like. We should just expect that as Christians. It’s just sad. I don’t want to know what kind of world my kids will live in when they are older.

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