Perez Hilton = Dog Crap

My Flag Flies Everyday

My Flag Flies Everyday

Back in January, I wrote a piece titled “Home Gene.” I tried to defend homosexuality as a genetic anomaly. I still believe that to be true, except now I have another amendment to add. In some male homosexuals there is a rather violent propensity to defend their “gayism.” It must be due to the fact that their mother’s let them down during pregnancy. Maybe, just maybe, if I stretch my imagination, guys like Perez Hilton can be explained by a second gene attached to the “Homo Gene” that causes their brains to become dog shit.

I applaud Miss California, Carrie Prejean, for voicing her convictions. I support her belief that marriage is the rightful union of one man to one woman. I will go so far as to defend the gay right to equality; well almost equal. Gayism is an abnormality, and as such can be excluded from laws that define more normal humans such as the marriage law.  If  laws were written to include all contingencies, they would be filled with so many loop holes as to be ineffective.  We can, however, write a special laws to cover the contingencies. For instance, a new law could be written to give homosexual couples the  legal right to each other’s property, and power of attorney over each other. Let’s face it, they can’t bear children. They can adopt, I suppose, and gay women can be inseminated to have a baby. The difference is that the baby is not the offspring of the married couple. The situation with males is even more tenuous.

Unless there is a huge number of gays still in the closet, I would have to proclaim them a minority. Do we have to change every bloomin’ law in the country to specifically include them? If that be true, then I want equal rights to any advantage the gays get from laws specifically tailored for them.

If guys like Perez Hilton keep giving rants, as he recently did, they will only engender more animosity, and hostility toward themselves. He is one gay who should have stayed in the closet. He will set his movement back a hundred years.

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