Two Barry’s


My Flag Flies Everyday

My Flag Flies Everyday

Have you ever heard of Barry? I’m not speaking of Barack “Barry” Obama, I speak of Barry Goldwater. Mr. Goldwater was a US Senator from Arizona in the nineteen sixties.  Goldwater was the most conservative Senator ever to be elected in the modern USA. His book “Conscience of a Conservative” was a best seller, and is considered to be the credo of the conservative political movement.

I learned of Barry Goldwater from a colleague at my first job out of college. My friend was also a recent college grad. He had become a staunch conservative after reading Senator Goldwater’s book. We spoke often of the Constitution and the principles of conservatism; love of God and country, small government, low taxes. We spoke of  the vision the founding fathers had for this new country. They had had it with a dictator king, and the unfair taxes imposed upon them. They were tired of the King deciding what was good for his subjects, and how to worship.  They wanted liberty to determine the course of their own lives. The idea of the king deciding for them was an atrocious concept.

The new citizens coming to the soil of North America were from many countries. They were immigrants. They fled their homelands in search of religious freedom. They came from England, Holland, France, Spain, and Germany. All across europe the citizens were unhappy with the way the kings ruled, and kept their subjects in abject poverty, while the aristocracy became fat.  The only way out was to revolt, or to leave. Many revolted, others left. The ones that left formed the greatest country in the world. The ones that revolted, suffered at the expense of the kings. Eventually, European countries backed away from monarchial rule and formed governments ruled by the people. Many kept thier monarchies as figure heads of the past.

One of the largest revolutions occurred in Russia. Lenin and Stalin imposed an even greater evil upon the people in the form of socialism. Yes, they forced the country from a monarchy into collective socialism.  They made it happen by slaughtering millions of good Russian people. Along came another great idealist. His name was Hitler. He decided that the people of Germany needed a change. The German people were sick of being ruled by the Kaiser. Hitler wanted the people to have socialism. He wanted it so much that he went to war over it. He wanted to convert all of Europe to his style of socialism, even Russia.

By this time the little country formed by immigrants from all of these countries had to step in and stop the mayhem. It was called World War Two. The USA, founded on the principles of a belief in God, and Liberty, had to become the salvation of the western world. The USA beat Hitler at a huge cost of blood and lives. Instead of challenging Russia, we made them allies in order to defeat Hitler.  Eventually, Ronald Reagan beat communism in the nineteen eighties. The great Soviet Union went broke trying to convert the world to socialism at the expense of their people.

Now we have a new “Barry.” He is Barack “Barry” Obama. This man should know better having been educated in the best schools in the USA. Like Lenin, Stalin, and Hitler, he too espouses the concept of “socialism.” He hasn’t learned from history that socialism,  and a welfare state is a failure. Instead, he insists on changing our great country into a socialist state as fast as he can.  He has used the economic meltdown as a shield to force congress to pass legislation that will create  government so huge it will self destruct.

 It may be my warped mind, but all I  can think is that the subjects of  history, and political science are being slanted  by socialist leaning liberal college tenures. In the fifty years since Barry Goldwater wrote his conservative credo, our scholastic instituions have created several generations socialist leaning  people. At the same time, our government, in all of its benevolence, has done an outstanding job of creating a population of uneducated welfare recipients.

The result is that Barry Obama is leading the citizenry of the USA,  with an army of socialist college grads, and welfare dependents toward atheism, and total  government subjugation under the manifesto of “Change We Can Believe In.”.

When will we wake up and understand that we are being led down the path toward a new era of modern slavery?

2 Responses

  1. […] Russia won the elections in all nine contests, its winning margin was significantly lower than Two Barry’s – 03/12/2009   My Flag Flies Everyday Have you ever heard of Barry? I’m not […]

    • Are you suggesting that the Soviet people nearly rejected communism?

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