Picture it!

See it clearly in your mind. Think in color and exact details. Make mental image of your goal, then make a physical image. Create a collage of your vision. Use photos from the net, magazines, wherever you can scrounge them. Paste them together into the vision you are trying to achieve. Place the picture on your mirror so you can see it first thing every morning. Make a copy of the dream for your pc. Put it next to the screen where you can see it all day long. Whatever the goal is, a car, house, vacation, job, picture it in your mind.

Visioning is a powerful tool. Many men have advised that

 “If you can see it, and believe it, you can have it.” I have used mental visioning many times very successfully. In my career, I used visioning when I had to make a presentation before the CEO and the president of the company. I saw myself giving my report in a confident, knowledgeable way. I rehearsed the report over viand over again in my mind. I could see myself overwhelming these powerful leaders with my confidence.  When the time came to report, I was prepared, nervous, but prepared. Each time , I received kudos from the CEO and the president.

In my private life, I see my goals clearly and keep them in front of me all the time. As the goal becomes more and more clear, the reality of achievement steps in and the vision of accomplishment takes over to finish.

You too should use visioning to “see” your goals. “See” the benefits you will receive after you complete the goal successfully. In other words, “PICTURE IT!”