Wake Up, and See the Light

God Blesses America

This election cycle has awakened us to the prospect of losing America. We are just a few weeks away from the possibility of changing and transforming the USA (United States of America) into the USSA (United Socialist States of America).

What I sense from listening and watching the pundits and the people around the country is that we are a divided nation, much like we were in 1860’s.  Back then though, God blessed us with a leader who understood the meaning of the Constitution, and Liberty for All. He stood firm to keep the States united in spite of popular opinion in one part of the country. He understood that all men must be free, not just the privileged. He fixed the hard problem of freeing slaves; a problem the Founders kept in order to create the greater good, i.e. the United States.

Today, we face a leader who doesn’t believe that all Men are created equal, “that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.”  (The Declaration of Independence.) President Obama believes rights to be a notion and not an unalienable right from God.

Obama adds one more right into this mix, i.e. the right to an equal outcome.

There are absolutely no references of any kind within the Declaration of Independence that point at “equal outcomes” Those words come instead from the manifesto of Karl Marx. Equal outcomes are at the expense of unequal rights, and that puts equal outcomes in direct contradiction to the Declaration of Independence, because God gave us unalienable rights to Liberty and to Pursue Happiness. Of course if you are a Godless person, this is hard to accept.

I believe God is awakening America to the scourge of Progressivism, but we have a long way to go to hear Him. In the meantime we must pray the entire country sees the light soon.


There are some very special people in my life who are totally committed to healthcare reform. I disagree with their opinions about the efficacy of Obama Care. It is a senseless stupid pile of paper designed to take power, and to eliminate liberty from America. Healthcare is not a right, it is a gift to us from the millions of compassionate workers who serve humanity with a desire to limit our pain and misery. They do not educate themselves for 12 years to be told by a brain-dead bureaucrat in Washington how to do the job.

The Founding Fathers did not stick their necks out to see successors take away the liberties they fought so hard to establish.

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are the Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness. . . .”

Let the Defunding Process Begin

Why do we pass laws to keep us from feeding bears, but pass laws to make humans dependent on Uncle for subsistence? Progressives have a vision of a perfect world. One in which nature is preserved as is, and humankind is controlled for his own good.

When will we learn that the handout method only makes us more dependent? When will we wake up and realize that we are only a few moments away from losing the Liberty and Freedom that our Founders bestowed upon us. They were wise men, much wiser than those men of today who believe that men do not have unalienable Rights of Life Liberty and the pursuit of happiness endowed by our Creator. Instead, the Progressives of today  believe that all men must share equally, and be cared for by they who are better than the the rest of us.

Like the bear, the Progressives know that if they eliminate a thriving economy, the rest of us will become hopelessly dependent on Uncle. Wrong, I’m here to tell you that those of us who know Liberty, and self-sufficiency will rise up and exercise our rights to defend ourselves from tyranny. It is for this reason that the Progressives must indoctrinate us to believe the Constitution is a tired old set of ideas that don’t work anymore. Well, I am also here to tell you that those tired old ideas have worked successfully for over two hundred years, while the Progressive ideas of socialism have failed on numerous occasions at the expense of millions of martyrs who stood in the way of their cause.

I have to give this new breed of socialist credit. They have invented many new strategies to overtake our country. Many of them have been successful, like the Cloward-Piven strategy, or the Alinsky Rules for Radicals which spawned ACORN. They have been relentless in their pursuit to overtake us and to turn us into their slaves. It is not too late to bring them down.

We must retake control and support every effort to undo the damage done by the current administration. Number one is to fire the current President. As we work on electing a new President we must begin tearing down every law that has ever been passed by Progressives. Start with Obamacare, continue to TARP,  the Community Reinvestment Act. All funding to any subversive organization like ACORN, SEIU, Planned Parenthood must be defunded; not supported as though they are the salvation of mankind. They are not. Each of them has been invented to bring down America.

We must secure our borders. Stop the flow of illegals coming in. All it will take is an effort to enforce current laws. We must stop the President from instructing the Attorney General to ignore the enforcement of laws that he believes are not in his favor. As I have repeatedly stated in my blog pieces, “we are a nation of laws, except those that don’t benefit a political agenda.”

Let the process begin. Get involved. Write to your Representatives. Let him know how you feel. Tell him how to vote on issues. Insist he stop the spending, and begin the defunding of damaging laws. Our voice must be heard.