Bring It On!

What is hilarious about this incident is that I had to dig three pages deep to find the actual quotes from Senators McCain and Graham. The first three pages were all articles about big brave Obama’s defense of Susan Rice along with many attacks on Condoleesa Rice from the Bush Administration. Can you believe Obama and Company are still blaming Bush?

Hiding Behind Her Skirt

Sorry folks, but I’m not buying the Benghazi affair. The man is hiding something serious which will most likely be an IMPEACHABLE offense.

I applaud McCain and Graham for speaking out and for taking it to him. At least we learned that Susan Rice knew nothing about Benghazi, and that she was merely  a loyal soldier carrying the Kool Aid to the Sheeple who voted for him.

If You Want To Be A Radical, Hang With Radicals

My Flag Flies Everyday

My Flag Flies Everyday

A few months before the election, I wrote a piece called Fidel All Over Again? In this post, I explained my fears that BO was a radical and leaned toward communism. At the time, I wasn’t really sure, now I am certain that he is both a radical and a communist.  During the third debate of the campaign, John McCain attacked Obama on his associations with Bill Ayres and Acorn. Obama countered with an argument about how he will surround himself with competent people who will advise him on how to run the country.

“Let me tell you who I associate with. On economic policy, I associate with Warren Buffett and former Fed Chairman Paul Volcker. If I’m interested in figuring out my foreign policy, I associate myself with my running mate, Joe Biden or with Dick Lugar, the Republican ranking member on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, or General Jim Jones, the former supreme allied commander of NATO.

Those are the people, Democrats and Republicans, who have shaped my ideas and who will be surrounding me in the White House. And I think the fact that this has become such an important part of your campaign, Senator McCain, says more about your campaign than it says about me.”

Obama has now exposed his radicalism with the appointment of  unconstitutional advisors referred to as Czars. How many does he employ? Thirty two. At least two of them are self proclaimed communists or socialists. Ten of the czars report directly to Obama. A man who believes he is a leader should know that ten, plus a full cabinet is too large a number of direct reports. How can he possibly concentrate on anything with so many inputs? He won’t be able to. Either he will neglect some of the report to’s or he will become mired in information overload. Can he really make decisions on all the issues they will bring to the table  in so short a time?  Is there enough time in a week to meet and discuss policy with all of the czars, do the same with the cabinet,  give press conferences, take world sightseeing trips with the daughters, date nights with Michelle, and walk the dog too?

Diversity czar Van Jones, a self proclaimed communist, has spent several years advocating  revolution.  The Science czar, John Holdren holds unusual ideas about sterilization as a population control to limit climate polution.  He calls climate change skeptics  “dangerous members of a denier fringe.” I guess I can add that to my list of titles granted by name calling  liberals. The Diversity czar, Mark Lloyd, a proclaimed anti-capitalist, speaks favorably about the incredible Venezuelan revolution. Carol Browner, the Energy and Environmental czar, has been a member of known socialist groups. There are only twenty-eight others to check out. I will continue to do so.

I wish I could feel better by saying “I told you so,” but it doesn’t. All confirmation did is scare the hell out me. The direction POTUS is leading our country will never be “change I can believe in.”

Fidel All Over Again?

The past two weeks, I have been driving across the country listening to the car radio and watching TV news programs in several states. In the mid-west I listened to Shawn Hannity, and Rush Limbaugh, once I got to the rockies, that changed. The conservatives were out of range and the towns are too small for two news stations broadcasting. Most carry CNN and a local station. Normally, I like to watch Fox News and CNN. The two networks are diametrically opposite. Fox is conservative, and CNN is liberal as most viewers know.

What I have observed is a fierce bias by CNN toward BO. He is their fair curly-haired boy. Their reports are sickening with mush for BO. Any attack made by John McCain against BO is immediately countered by endless interviews by liberal reporters who openly report their support for BO. How can news be fair if there is such a strong effort pushing a single candidate?

I do not keep it a secret that I am a conservative, so I want to listen to the conservative side of things, and CNN is pure trash in my mind.

It is also evident that BO is running scared over Sarah Palin. An army of people have desended upon Alaska to dig for clues about how to destroy her. Yet I have never heard a single report about BO. Who were his friends growning up? Who were his friends in school? Did he have any? Did they like him? Would they speak up for him?   How many reports have we heard about BO’s efforts in the Illinois Senate and the U.S. Senate?

I would like to know more about BO’s formative years with his mother. After all, he was raised in a foreign country in a faith that is responsible for our current involvement in two wars. Where are the reporters on any of this? Does any body care but me? Instead, I hear a ton of stuff about a woman who has bravely decided to put her life into the political fray. Sure, I want to know her credentials, but so far none of what I’ve heard changes my opinion of her. She is a thousand times more qualified to run this country than BO, and she will only be the VP.

 John McCain has the correct stand on all the issues. Most of them involve getting govenrnment out of the business of running our lives. That makes BO nervous because he runs on the issue of building a government that runs your life in all respects. To me, that kind of government is just a heart beat away from communism.

I remember a time nearly fifty years ago, when a smooth talking leader convinced us of what he wanted for his country. We all bought into his message based on his ability to speak so eloquently. He eventually, won his revolution and immediately turned 180 degrees to make Cuba into a socialist state. This guy BO reminds me of Fidel all over again.

” A Spade Is A Spade”

I hate to belabor the “lipstick on a pig” issue, but I think the BO got a taste of what he and his race have been dealing us for too many years now. I saw his speech the day he said the infamous words. I want to believe that he said them only as a humorous way to make a point. If that is not correct, then I have to believe that his speach writer had the genius to sneak this old saying into his speach as a deliberate attack on Gov. Palin with one of two outcomes: 1.) It goes unnoticed and he has sneakily attacked Governor Palin, 2.) if it gets noticed, as we know it did, he can cry foul and blame the McCain campaign for mis-interpreting his remark. My guess is that his speech writers don’t have the brains to be that devious.

 Now to my point. If I were giving a speech and wanted to stress a fact, I could use a very old saying such as “let’s call a spade a spade.” I would deliver the speech with great naivete thinking I had used a tried and true saying to stress my point. It is my belief that I would be attacked immediately by the likes of Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Louis Farakan,  Clarence Page, and other notable blacks for being “racist.” I’m sure they would demand an apology, and reparation back to the first slave brought to the shores of North America. 

I think what the BO got was a dose of his own medicine, and he didn’t like the taste.

A Heart Beat Away!

To all my Democratic friends in the USA. There is a political system that combines and defines all the dreams of the great society you are trying to establish for us. It has universal healthcare, jobs for everyone, allows abortion, eliminates God from everything, and taxes everyone uniformly. The system is called “Communism.”
Electing McCain brings Sarah Palin a heart beat away from the presidency, but voting for Mr. Liberal brings us a heart beat away from Communism.