A Brand New Progressive Idea

The same message repeated often enough becomes truth. “Tired old ideas that don’t work” has been the theme from the beginning of President Obama’s quest for the White House. The problem is he is using tired old ideas that have been proven multiple times not to work. So why does he continue to pursue them? It is simple. His ideas will lead the country toward his goal of making AMerica a Socialist nation. He truly believes his daughters will be better off if told by big government exactly what they can and cannot do in their lives. He believes they will be better off giving the fruits of their labor to big government to distribute as it sees fit. He truly believes his daughters will be better off under his women’s health initiative to control their sex lives. He truly believes you and I will be better off if we split the pot with Uncle so he can fly around the country to make speeches about Republicans who propose to use the same tired old ideas that don’t work.



I am a Republican and I propose a new idea that Progressives have not come up with yet. It is the type of idea that will catch fire and move the movement ahead with the speed of light, except for one thing, they will not buy into it. It is too simple for the complex Progressive brain to comprehend.

The Chicago teachers strike got me to thinking about all the money we spend to teach kids nothing. The problem is that we are paying the wrong people. We should pay the kids minimum wage for the hours they attend school. If they complete  homework and/or put in extra study hours at school they are get overtime.  To make school even more interesting, students will get a cash bonus if they legitimately pass the advancement requirement to the next grade level in reading, writing, arithmetic, US history, and Civics.

Teachers get paid for each pupil who advances legitimately.

I bet that even though this plan gives a ton of money to the students, that we would come out ahead and end the need for the Department of Education. Think of it, with money coming in for attending school, the kids could afford to eat at home and pack their own lunches too. That is another savings. This program is not welfare folks, we are paying the kids to learn. It is child labor. If they don’t learn to read, write, math, history, and civics they learn the facts of life that others who do learn more will advance.

I could go on about the positives in this plan but it would only become overbearing. It is simple enough for even the most challenged teacher’s union boss and politician to understand.

Now, isn’t that a great Progressive idea? Lets hurry and trash the Constitution so we can use it.