Koran Burning Zero, US Flag Burning 1000’s

Have you ever wondered where the hell all the sand jockeys get American flags to burn? I fly my flag everyday, rain or shine. I like to keep it looking respectable. I  change it every year. By the time I do, the old one looks like it was at IWO JIMA. The wind and sun does a number on it. I take the tattered flag to the local VFW. The veterans conduct a flag burning ceremony regularly. I was taught to respect the flag by my legally immigrated parents.

Lately, I have had luck finding inexpensive flags at Home Depot. Before that, I had to scour the yellow pages, or wait until the 4th of July before I could find a replacement.

Within twenty-four hours of the preacher in Florida announcing his Koran burning party, a news video from Pakistan showed a crowd burning a US flag. Where the hell did they get a US flag so quickly in a crap hole of a country like Pakistan? It wasn’t a Home Depot flag either. It was a big one, like the one that flies over the White House.

What really upset me was the lack of rage from Americans about the event. Have we grown so numb as to forget what the flag means to us? Or, is it the Supreme Court, the ACLU, and the Liberals brainwashing us with progressive bullshit?

What ever it is, it pisses me off. I can hardly wait for November to throw my vote-bomb into the mix, and elect some leaders who will stand up for the country.

Let us pass a law to ban foreign aide to any country that allows a US flag to burn in protest of anything.